Catching up with far-flung family members can be fun, especially if those flung from home are the ones doing the traveling. My sister recently visited from her home in Jacksonville, FL and we had fun catching up and visiting with aunts and cousins we haven't seen for some time.
Due to her job schedule and the uncertainty of Midwest weather this time of year, she opted to fly into the Quad-City International Airport. By the time she finally arrived back in Florida, she had plenty of experiences to share, including cancellations, delays and the fact that for a brief time she was a suspected terrorist.
Her trip here was rather uneventful. She made her connecting flight out of Chicago and arrived here right on time. She was slated to return to Florida on Monday, President's Day. That's where the problems began. She was scheduled to fly out of the Quad-Cities Monday afternoon. But thanks to the automated information center used by the airlines these days, she learned late Monday morning that her flight to Chicago had been canceled. Maybe not enough folks wanted to fly to Chicago on a weekday afternoon to fill the plane.
She got on the computer and quickly was able to reschedule her trip home to Tuesday. After calling her boss and her family, she had another night to spend with us in not-so-tropical Iowa.
Tuesday morning, we all rolled out of bed and left the house at 7 a.m. for the trip to the airport. Her flight was scheduled to leave a bit after 9 a.m. After waiting a few minutes, we said our good-byes and she headed for the security checkpoint with her small carry-on bag and her assorted small toiletry containers. She passed okay and then had to wait 30 minutes when it was announced that the plane would not leave until 10 a.m.
She wasn't too worried, as she had about a two-hour layover in Chicago before catching the plane for Florida. Good thing that flight was also 30 minutes delayed. This time, when she went through security, the TSA officers noticed she had one of those plastic thermo travel mugs that she had gotten as a present for her husband. That was her first mistake. Apparently, terrorists might be able to inject explosives into the lining of those mugs. So the officers decided to check her over a bit closer and an electronic inspection of her hands indicated some material that could be used in bomb making.
That won her a quick trip to a private room, accompanied by a couple of federal officers. It was soon determined that the chemical on her hands came from some hand cream she had put on before she took off from Moline. I don't know if she is on a watch list, but at least she didn't win a one-way trip to Guantanamo!
Her recent adventure has just affirmed my decision to travel by car, rail or bus. I realize millions of Americans travel by air each week. I have traveled by commercial air carrier once. It was fun, even though I was squeezed into a coach seat and had trouble getting my seat belt to fasten. But it's expensive and getting more expensive by the day as the air carriers pile on silly charges on passengers. It's just not worth the hassle, at least not for me.
My sister took her adventure on the return trip in stride, thanking the officers for helping to keep our skies safe. Many folks would probably mutter about the inconvenience. But she figured it's better to be safe than sorry.
This necessary increased security at the airport has really taken a lot of the fun out of flight. When we were little, our folks sometimes took us to the airport so we could sit in the waiting area and watch the plans take off and land. But because of the new terminal architecture, we didn't see any of the viewing areas this time. In fact, I realized as we were driving home that I didn't see a single plane while at the airport!
I am not afraid to fly. I wish I could have the chance again. But I think I'll wait until I win the lottery. Then I can charter my own business class jet, leave when I want and take as much luggage as I need. I'll arrange to take off from Belle Plaine or Independence, where there are no TSA officers and no body scanners. I have no interest in seeing Cuba and neither does my sister.
"It's always somethin'!" as one of my favorite funny characters used as a tag line. (Rosanne-Rosannadana-Saturday Night Live circa 1970 something).
ReplyDeleteIt was just some HAND CREAM! What the heck are they putting in that stuff? I'd hate to think about the chemicals I put on my FACE every morning...Jet fuel?
Another good one, Jeff--and I miss you already.
"Your Baby Sister-not a terrorist"